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Not in our Community Workshop

As part of our enhanced PSHE provision, Not in our Community provided us with a Child exploitation training workshop. The pupils learned about the signs of grooming, what to look out for, how to keep themselves safe and where to ask for help. Kelly delivered a presentation for our year 5 and 6 pupils and engaged the pupils in topical discussion afterward.

The pupils also watched a video, “Alfie’s Story” that was specially adapted for our pupils level of need.

There were also free goody bags for all the pupils involved which included a foldable fortune teller, stickers, a pen, and helpful information on spotting the signs of sexual and criminal exploitation.

Thank you to Not in our Community for visiting us, we hope to welcome you back soon for another workshop!

“Criminal exploitation can involve a young person moving drugs, sometimes hidden in their body, around their local area or sometimes travelling across the country. The exploited person can be made to sell drugs, transport weapons or carry out other criminal activities, such as assaulting people and stealing.

It’s a complicated issue because although what a young person is doing can sometimes be a criminal behaviour if they are being manipulated and controlled they are actually a victim of crime themselves.”

See Not in our Community website for lots of great, supportive information and signposts for help.



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