We were recently donated lots of lovely Art and Craft Bags which have been kindly provided by Our Big Picture in Grimsby. They are a social enterprise that delivers visual arts and heritage activities including exhibitions and events. Bringing unique art and heritage experiences to public places and unusual spaces.

Our Big Picture aim to deliver excellent visual art exhibitions, events, festivals, and workshops for everyone, through exciting partnerships with local, national, and international artists, organisations, and venues.
They particularly love working with families, children, and young people through a range of developed workshops.
They believe that everyone has the right to art in their lives. Through artists, they work inclusively with our communities to enable everyone to take part in, experience, and enjoy art at its best, resulting in the collective exploration, learning, sharing, and shaping of our hometown.
Our Big Picture deliver positive experiences where nobody is excluded and bring new creative opportunities to the area. They have a host of fun activities on offer such as:
Grimbarians' exhibition
Makers' Market
Heritage open days
They aim for all to be part of something bigger. For all to get to know the real Grimbarians'. To explore and find beautiful treasure made by a local creative and to learn something about our local heritage. For information see details below:
Thank you to all of the team at Our Big Picture, we are having so much fun getting creative in our art sessions.